Broaden your opportunities with NazzAR.
Change the world right now.
DownloadNazzAR is an innovative app, which can integrate elements of augmented reality into the objects of real world.
Hover your smartphone camera over the NazzAR logo to reveal
the image of a real object
implemented by various effects
on the smartphone screen.
Breathe the life into
the static picture on
the screen transforming
it into the
video clip.
Photos and pictures on the
screen turn into 3D, which
allows you to look at them from
different points and angles
The audio playback initializes
straight after hovering the
smartphone over the image.
The virtual buttons appear on
the smartphone screen, which
allows you to interact
with the
object of interest.
Learn more about products or
services with the NazzAR app.
Hover your smartphone camera
over the image with the sign.
*Requires the internet connection
Wait until an additional
content about the product
or service is downloaded.
your smartphone over
the tagged image so it
is fully displayed on the
Visiting museums and cultural heritage sites
will be a fascinating and understandable
journey with NazzAR.
Install the NazzAR app on your smartphone before
going to the museum and enjoy the history of
the exposition, where you will discover interesting
facts and fascinating content.
You can download and print markers, than scan with NAZZAR app to see hidden content
All the latest and actual news about the project in one blog
26 сентября текущего года Министерство инновационного развития посетила делегация во главе с управляющим директором и руководителем отдела государственной политики Китая, Монголии и стран Центральной Азии компании Meta Джорджем Ченом.
По состоянию на 6 декабря 2021 года приложение UnoAR, созданное на платформе NazzAR, занимало 2-е место в топ-10 самых популярных приложений из AppStore, загружаемых в Исландии.
В джизакской махалле "Шодлик" открылся электронный музей стартапа "NazzAR". Презентация музея прошла в рамках круглого стола с директором IT-компании SmartChain Бобуром Рахимовым. Руководитель компании-разработчика представил участникам приложение на основе дополненной реальности "NazzAR" и электронный музей стартап-проекта.
A picture is worth a thousand words: install NazzAR on your smartphone
now to understand better, how it
works. If you have any questions,
we are always ready to help you to figure out!
Install the app to familiarize yourself
with innovative opportunities and the
interface of
the app.
We developed the service, which will
work well on any platform and any device.